
I think we could all do with something silly after this week, so enjoy a sonnet I wrote about Andrew Peterson’s song “Dancing in the Minefields” getting turned into a workout song.


Originally written November 28, 2020

“I have great news for you! Somebody wants
To make a licensed remix of your song.”
“Oh cool,” said Andrew, feigning nonchalance.
“Acoustic remix? Minefields’ pretty strong.”
“Oh yeah, it’s Minefields. But, well, here’s the thing.
They want it for a Christian workout mix.
Think dance club style. Now someone else will sing
Your song, with synths, and autotune will fix
The vocals.” Andrew Peterson turned pale.
A dance remix for his beloved tune
For “Christian media?” An utter fail!
His agent shrugged and said, “Let me know soon.”
It is good money, Andrew. Don’t just scorn
The paycheck—” And that’s how the mix was born.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash