The Little Victories

Today’s poem is from a poem a day challenge I did in grad school, way back when LiveJournal was a thing. I’m a little surprised I hadn’t shared it already, honestly; it holds up pretty well.

The “Golden Sun and Shadows” thing rings particularly true this week. I had a mediocre day at work and was facing another night staring at my computer, getting something lined up for this weekend. I stood up and glanced out my westward window and was instantly captivated by the evening light. I rushed downstairs to get my boots on and play in the snow. Because sometimes it’s the little victories.

The Little Victories

Originally written March 6, 2007

Sometimes, it’s the little victories.
A morning greeting from a precious friend;
The golden sun and shadows on the trees.

A little bit of wine and tasty cheese,
Midmorning Starbucks coffee (Breakfast Blend);
Sometimes, it’s the little victories.

A good friend’s dog to kidnap when you please;
The crackle as a new book’s binding bends;
The golden sun and shadows on the trees.

A swingset, gently swaying in the breeze,
The growth that heralds winter’s nearing end.
Sometimes, it’s the little victories.

So quickly caught up in philosophies–
So quick in conversation to offend–
(the golden sun and shadows on the trees)

But saddest hearts small pleasures may appease
And grant the strength, all torment, to transcend–
And where are we without these victories?
(The golden sun and shadows on the trees.)