Sonnet Sunday 73: Dr. von Dread Reveals the Root of Her Madness: Or, BURN THEM ALL

(Because when the November Poem a Day Prompt is “Burn (blank)” and you have a Mad Scientist alter ego, there’s only one logical direction to go with it. Any other option would be, dare I say it, madness.)

In Which Dr. von Dread, Mad Rhetorician, Reveals the Root of Her Madness; or BURN THEM ALL

Originally Written November 9, 2018

So how did I go mad? I’m glad you asked!
So there I was, presenting my research
On how rhymes can persuade (no easy task)
When that fool Dr. G tried to besmirch
My data and my methodology!
He said that I could never, ever earn
Mad-scientific credibility!
I felt my ears and face begin to burn
With righteous indignation, and I snapped.
I had a vision of the world on fire.
The smoke showed me strong formulas untapped—
That I just needed paperclips for wire—
They laughed and called me fool! Well, soon they’ll know:
My doctorate in Comm Arts ain’t just show.

Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash