Sonnet Sunday 67: Reflection on Psalm 119

I’ve had a daily routine of Bible study for years, and I quite advocate it for anyone who wants to be serious about their faith.
But, I’ll admit, this routine often goes through long dry spells where it’s more a pre-bedtime routine than a chance to delight deeply in God’s word. I wrote this particular poem as a self-criticism regarding that, based on Psalm 119, which is entirely about taking delight in God’s law.

That said, even dry reading is better than no reading.

I do have two notes. First, you can tell when I wrote this based on the My Little Pony reference (I thoroughly enjoyed the first two seasons of the reboot). Now I’d probably replace it with DuckTales (Woo-oo!). (Actually, I should probably have edited this much more heavily, but I don’t want to take the time right now.)

Second, thaumadzo is the Greek word for wonder; since college, I’ve put it in contrast to eros and thanatos (love and death) as a potential driving force to literature. I’d say the Chronicles of Narnia are characterized by thaumadzo, for example.

Reflection on Psalm 119

Originally written January 6, 2013

I find I take delight in stupid things:
My Little Ponies and Cthulhu kitsch.
They scratch a warped and somewhat selfish itch;
They give my need for thaumadzo its wings.
But Lord, Your word has claimed its primacy
In this small battle for my fitful heart.
These earthly pleasures may still play a part,
But knowing You should be my greatest joy.
And yet—You’re not! I treat You like a chore.
I read Your word as part of a routine
Scarce meditating on what these words mean,
Mere stories and mere poems—nothing more.
Lord, as the psalmists wrote so long ago,
Teach me to find delight within your law.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

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