Sonnet Sunday 66: October Leaves and the City of God

Happy Autumn!

October Leaves and the City of God

Originally Written October 23, 2017

The forest feels as sacred as a church.
The hymns of birds, the preaching of the squirrels,
The woodpecker’s loud clapping from its perch;
Together, their doxology unfurls.
They praise the Spirit that has caused the trees
To clasp their arms in great and gothic arcs.
The rustling wind leads whispered liturgies;
Its still, small voice calls those who bear His mark
To tread paths paved with autumn’s golden leaves
And take a seat on fallen, mossy pews
And take communion with those who believe:
The wafer, bark; the cup, the morning dew.
In this cathedral, verdant and alive,
The earth groans for Your city to arrive.